Saturday, December 30, 2006

Let's Waste Time Chasing Cars

Lol that video I posted from YouTube, I am in fact aware that it is posted twice. Just wanted to point that out. This site just wouldn't let me post it only once so yeah...

You know how I said my fave person to work with quit?? Well, today was her last day. *tears* I'm so sad she's gone because she was so much fun to work with!!! I mean, I love working with everyone else (except my manager, but I guess that's mostly bearable), it's just that she was soo awesome. Anyway, I'm cutting down my hours soon, so that won't be too bad. I need to do it because it's interferring with school work.

Okay, so all of the sudden I'm working on New Years Day. What the hell??? I totally wasn't and then my manager was like "oh, I'm working with you on Monday." And I was like "Um, I don't work Mondays." She said that I should have brought it up sooner that I couldn't work that day and that the schedule had been posted for the last 2 weeks. Okay, right...I have only read my schedule like 90 times in the last 2 weeks and never seen it...Yeah and those eraser marks on someone else's time totally have nothing to do with the fact that I randomly was given a shift I can't work. Bloody people always changing my hours so I don't know about it. Seriously. Not cool.

My friend stopped by work for awhile today. That was fun. I went on my break and chilled with him for a bit. I have known him forever. Seriously. He's older than me, so I have litterally known him since I was a few days old. Just to clarify, he's my half-sister's half-brother. If that makes any sense...His other sister is one of my best friends.

Damn it! I think I'm getting a cold. I hate colds. Seriously I mean, my nose isn't stuffed (knock on wood). Unfortunately, I'm losing my voice (so not cool, since I just got a kareoke machine!). I'm gonna fill myself up on cough syrup tonight and sleep all day tomorrow. Then hopefully when my friend sleeps over tomorrow, we can sing.

Anyways, I gotta go. I hope everyone had happy holidays and an awesome Christmas. I got so much jewelry!! I felt so expense after lol. <3

xoxox byee

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